How to Trade BMD’s First Exchange-Listed Inter-Commodity Futures Spread (FCPO-FEPO ICS) - (EN)

(This webinar will be conducted in English)

An inter-commodity futures spread trading is a sophisticated trade that attempts to take advantage of the value differential between two or more related commodities futures contracts.

Essentially, a trader of inter-commodity spreads will go long on one futures market in a given delivery month while simultaneously going short on the related commodity in the same delivery month.

Inter-commodity spread trading requires an understanding of the futures contracts involved and the dynamics between them.

Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Bhd (BMD) has recently launched their first Exchange-listed inter-commodity futures spread, which is FCPO-FEPO ICS.

Hence, we're excited to invite the Founder of Calvin Grayson Asset Sdn Bhd - Mr. Calvin Chin, to conduct this special webinar "How to Trade BMD’s First Exchange-Listed Inter-Commodity Futures Spread" to discuss about FCPO-FEPO ICS and its trading strategies.

In this 1.5-hr webinar, you'll learn:

  • Introduction to inter-commodity spread
  • The FCPO-FEPO and its benefit
  • The price trend and behavior of inter-commodity spread
  • Strategies to capture each of the price movements
  • Spread trading workflow


This webinar consists of 2 parts. The first part is the content of the topic for 60 minutes. It is followed by a 30-minute question and answer session.

This webinar is brought to you by Bursa Malaysia Derivatives and managed by LifeChamp.

Speaker : David Lo

Published Date
15 Nov 2022
Proficiency Level

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