Level Up Your Trading Portfolio with BMD Futures (EN)

(This webinar are conducted in English)

The market has been nothing short, but volatile this year.

Do you know that you can capitalize on a volatile market, both bull and bear markets, with index futures?

Shorting the index futures such as FBMKLCI futures (FKLI) is one way that professional investors use to hedge their portfolio in a falling equities market.

In fact, the futures market is more than just hedging. It is also popular among the full-time traders as they like the concept of leverage and the ease of shorting the market without much restrictions.

For example, trading one contract of Crude Palm Oil Futures (FCPO) will give you an exposure of 25 metric tons of crude palm oil. Hence you can have a magnified exposure to the CPO price movement by trading FCPO, either through long or short positions.

Join us in this webinar "Level Up Your Trading Portfolio with BMD Futures" as we invite the Chief Master Trainer of Street Finance - Mr. Bong Jeen Hao to share with you his unique strategies in trading both FKLI and FCPO respectively.

In this 1.5-hr webinar, you'll learn:

  • Understand BMD Futures contracts and how they can increase your trading income
  • How you can swing trade FKLI even in a market downturn
  • How you can potentially generate a cashflow of trading income by day trading FCPO


This webinar consists of 2 parts. The first part is the content of the topic for 60 minutes. It is followed by a 30-minute question and answer session.

This webinar is brought to you by Bursa Malaysia Derivatives and managed by LifeChamp.

Speaker : Jeen Hao

Published Date
27 May 2022
Proficiency Level

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