Trading Strategies for Soybean Oil in the Malaysian Market
Get ready to access China's Soybean Oil pricing on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives! Watch this webinar where we will unveil the features of the Bursa Malaysia DCE Soybean Oil Futures contract (FSOY).
During this webinar, embark on a journey to:
- Understand the key figures driving the cooperation.
- Discover why every trader should explore soybean oil futures.
- Learn the differences between Dalian Commodity Futures (DCE) Soybean Oil Futures and FSOY contracts.
- Explore the future outlook for soybean oil.
- Analyse markets using both technical and fundamental analysis.
This webinar is organised by Bursa Malaysia Derivatives and managed by Axcelearn.
(This webinar will be conducted in English.)
Speaker :
- Wong Kon How, Managing Director, Weipedia Private Limited
- Susan Low, Manager, Product – Commodity, Product & Market Development, Bursa Malaysia Derivatives
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