Analyst Consensus (28 March 2023)
- 85% of the total analyst recommendations is a Buy recommendation.
- Most recommended buy stocks with 100% buy call are YINSON and DAYANG. These companies were covered by at least three analysts during the period.
- YINSON and DAYANG were covered by 10 and 6 analysts respectively for the period and received 100% buy call. All analysts recommended to buy.
- 69% of the total analyst recommendations is a Buy recommendation.
- Most recommended buy stocks with 80% buy call is HONG LEONG FINANCIAL GROUP.
- HONG LEONG FINANCIAL GROUP was covered by 5 analysts for the period. 4 analysts recommended to Buy and 1 recommended Hold.
- 69% of the total analyst recommendations is a Buy recommendation.
- Most recommended buy stocks with 100% buy call is KERJAYA PROSPEK. These companies were covered by at least three analysts during the period.
- KERJAYA PROSPEK was covered by 7 analysts for the period and received 100% buy call. All analysts recommended to buy.