ETF Performance Report - November 2022

  • Trading activities in the ETF space spiked to the highest level year-to-date (YTD). Malaysia-themed ETFs recorded encouraging growth as the recent election and appointment of the new Prime Minister brought an end to the prolonged political turmoil that had caused investors’ aversion to the Malaysian market. Month-on-month (M-o-M), total volume/ value of FBMKLCI-EA rose 373% and 379% respectively to 802K units/ RM1.22 million (mil). For the leveraged ETF, trading volume/value of KLCI2XL soared by 3,117% and 3,407% M-O-M respectively.
  • Total volume and value of ABFMY1 rose significantly by 84,798% and 85,240% respectively to 23.69 mil units/ RM27.24 mil due to direct business transaction on 16 November. The transaction also pushed the fixed income ETF to become the most traded ETF by volume and second most traded by value YTD.
  • Led by rise in gold prices in the month of November, trading activities of GOLDETF rose by 33% to 442K units and 35% to RM1.11 mil M-O-M.
  • Total volume/value for ETF jumped 1,050% and 391% respectively to 26.62 mil units / RM 35.09 million (mil). On YTD basis, volume/value traded were recorded at 114.91 mil units/ RM59.00 mil.
Published Date
06 Dec 2022
Bursa Digital Research