Institutional Capital Flow For 2Q2023
Based on S&P Global Market Intelligence’s sample of over 2,000 institutions and funds, these funds remained as net buyers in 2Q2023 albeit with a smaller aggregate net inflow of +USD796.2 mil (1Q2023: +USD1,647.8 mil). Regionally, North America investors dominated inflows (+USD951.9 mil) as they turned significant net buyers of Malaysian equities. The Vanguard Group, Inc is the main North American investors driving inflows into the region at +USD862.2 mil, the highest net purchase among foreign institutions as recorded in the S&P Global Market Intelligence’s database. On the contrary, Malaysian investors reverted to net selling position with -USD127.6mil outflows, led by Khazanah Nasional Bhd (-USD147.8mil) and Employees Provident Fund (-USD128.4mil) as recorded in the S&P Global Market Intelligence’s database.