How to Choose Your First Share?

How to Choose Your First Share?

The share market is large and complicated. Armed with the basics, your first step as an investor is to actively pick out a share from a sea of available alternatives. This is no small feat considering the number of variables that come with it. Our tools on MyBursa will help you analyse and decide which share really are worth choosing. Here are some tools that can help you as you dive in.

Stock Screener

The Stock Screener helps you find stocks that match your investment style. Customise how you find the stocks you want by adding in values that suit your strategy. For example, if you’re looking for a share that is valued up to RM1, select the “up to RM1” under “Share Price” drop down menu and click show result. You will see all the shares that are valued up to RM1.

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Heat Maps

Heat maps provide an overall view of the market’s performance by ranking the best and worst performing stocks. By looking at the bigger picture, it may be easier to make trading decisions by comparing a stock you are interested in against the rest.

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Research Reports

A research report is a document prepared by an analyst or strategist who is a part of the investment research team in a stock brokerage or investment bank. A research report may focus on a specific stock or industry and generally, but not always, have actionable recommendations such as investment ideas that investors can act upon.

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Published Date
24 Nov 2024
Bursa Malaysia
Proficiency Level

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