Institutional Capital Flow For 4Q2022
Based on S&P Global Market Intelligence’s sample of over 2,000 institutions and funds, aggregated flow from these funds reverted to net buying position in 4Q2022 with net inflow of +USD387.8 mil (3Q2022: -USD1,142.0 mil). Inflows were primarily driven by Scandinavia and North America investors who turned net buyers of Malaysian equities with inflows of +USD280.6mil and +USD104.4mil respectively. Meanwhile, Malaysian investors’ net selling pressure eased significantly QoQ to -USD8.8mil, the smallest outflow in past four quarters. Outflows were cushioned by Employee Provident Fund who turned net buyer with +USD273.2mil inflows in 4Q2022 (3Q2022: -USD809.0mil), the highest net purchase among domestic institutions as recorded in the S&P Global Market Intelligence’s database.